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Art Along the Lake Studio Tour and More

I have been in my shop every day from 10 to 5 hosting visitors and doing turning demonstrations for the past seven days as part of this 10 day studio art tour on the north shore of Lake Superior. Their are 3 days left and I hope my energy level remains high. I estimate that over 200 people have already visited and 13 bowls have sold. There are only half a dozen bowls remaining in my inventory. This is really an amazing art tour and visitors from as far as the east coast and west coasts have walked into my shop. The attraction is to meet and interact with artists in their studios/shops. There are 22 participants in the tour this year. The fall colors and the big lake add to the attraction. I have a good supply of burls and wood for turning this winter, so my bowl supply will slowly grow again and be ready by Spring. My new Stubby S1000 lathe is finally being shipped from Australia and should arrive in early November. This new lathe will handle much larger pieces, up to 44" diameter, and it is also much more powerful for heavy pieces. I plan to continue teaching wood turning in my shop but will be primarily offering private classes for one or two students. I am getting too old for the larger classes through the North House Folk School. Those classes totally drain me of energy and are tough on my equipment. See the "Classes" page of this web site for information or just contact me for arranging a class. Finally, my wife and I spent two weeks in Iceland in September. Not many trees there so I never saw a burl or met any wood turners, but it felt like being on a different planet with amazing landscapes and colors from the minerals, hot springs, moss, fall vegetation, ice, water falls, and blue water. Here are a few photos. Thanks for following my wood turning adventure.

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Artistic lathe turned wood bowls from Lake Superior area

©2017 by Lou Pignolet. Proudly created with

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