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Happy Valentines Day Newsletter

It is time for my Wood Turning/Bowl Newsletter. I decided to post this on my web site rather than sending out a large file to everyone. The pandemic is certainly getting old, even for an old guy isolating in a beautiful part of the world with a heated shop full of equipment and new wood to turn. We mostly miss traveling, getting together with friends, and going to a restaurant. Weekly trips to the same old grocery store are getting old. We are even getting tired of buying most things on Amazon. We just got our first vaccine shot so that at least makes us feel a bit safer, but still not ready for real travel. We hope you are all safe and doing OK. There is at least a glow at the end of a long tunnel.

I have been turning a lot of new bowls and having a lot of fun working in my shop. The process of turning an old burl into a bowl never gets old, and working on my very stable Stubby lathe is heavenly. All new finished bowls are shown at the front end of the store on this web site. I also have a lot of bowls in line for finishing. Some of these are the subjects of earlier blog posts and include lots of action photos and a story of the process. I do post a lot of my projects on Facebook and highlight the best new bowls on that social media. I realize that many of you do not use Facebook and that is the reason for this newsletter. The following images will show you a few of the recent bowls. Most of these are also the subjects of previous blog posts and some are already in my store. Click on an image to enlarge it!

Heart Shaped Black Walnut Crotch Bowl (10.5" diameter)

White Cedar Burl Bowl (16.5" in diameter)

Wild Cherry Burl Bowl (20" in diameter)

American Elm Crotch Bowl (21" - 16" at top)

Sugar Maple Burl Bowl (10.5" diameter)

Buckthorn Bowl (10" - 8" at top)

Large Birch Burl Bowl (27" - 17" at top)

Thanks for following my Bowl Turning adventures. Lou



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Artistic lathe turned wood bowls from Lake Superior area

©2017 by Lou Pignolet. Proudly created with

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